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  1. We, collectively, agree and abide to a Covenant to be our “brother’s keeper.”
  2. We, collectively, agree and abide to a Covenant to affirm, nurture, and sustain each
    relationship (and to be mutually accountable) with the individuals or entities that we
    personally refer for enrollment in The Empower Us All Economic and Entrepreneurial
    Empowerment Association  (FREE MEMBERSHIP).

  3. We, collectively, agree and abide to a Covenant to reach our personal and/or corporate
    financial goals by consistently and endlessly referring quality individuals for enrollment in
    The Empower Us All Economic and Entrepreneurial Empowerment Association . 
    We understand that, when we do thisThe Kingdom Procurement & Purchasing Power
    will ensure that the “percentage of commissions payments” received from the sales
    of targeted products and services will be determined by the individual referral performance
    of each Member Partner, not individual financial capability.
     Further, the “percentage of
    commissions payments” received from the sales of products and services will be determined
    in direct proportion to consistent individual referrals, not from entitlements.

  4. We, collectively, agree and abide to a Covenant to enjoy the value, sufficiency, and success 
    of our membership with the confidence that our commissions payments formula is proven,
    perpetual, and secure; and to consistently perform and excel in our individual roles with an
    urgency to fulfill and to focus on all of our financial needs.

  5. Specifically, I will submit my personal enrollment and attempt to refer three (3) others; 
    who join, within 3 days after my enrollment. 

  6. Also, I will encourage the 3 referrals to form an LLC corporation. This entity would be
    separate from the individual's own business.

  7. I commit to purchasing a minimum of $100 per week from my own KPPPC or from KPPPC-Atlanta. I
    understand that I may combine the needs of the LLC partners to satisfy the $100 per week. Furthermore
    I understand that this includes  ANY  PRODUCT OR SERVICE.


NotreEngagementest une entente privée et personnelle. Nous nous réservons le droit

pour modifier celaEngagement pour l'avenir, si nécessaire. C'est entre et parmi :

1. Covenant Partners Network, LLC dba The Kingdom Procurement & Purchasing

     Power Center




2.                                                                                                                      Member Partner

Deux valent mieux qu’un, car s’ils tombent, l’un soulèvera l’autre ; mais malheur à celui qui est seul.

- Ecclésiaste 4:9 KJV

Nos partenariats avec les membres sont inclusifs, quel que soit l’endroit où vous vivez. Par la grâce deDieu,

nous avons réussi à développer un plan sur mesure qui permettra le commerce entre

et entre nous qui, inévitablement, constitue la base du financementDonnez-nous tous du pouvoir.

God is at the center, the very core, of our interactions and transactions.

Nothing separates us as we provide for and learn of each other’s needs.

Continuously, we discover and design methods to fund those needs,

and just as Jesus Christ was the Word becoming flesh to fulfill the

Scripture here on earth, we serve God by serving our fellow Member Partners.

Venez à moi, vous tous êtes fatigués et chargés, et je vous donnerai du repos.

- Matthieu 11:28 KJV

Avec l'aide deDieu, nous nous engageons par la présente à ce qui précède pour le

l’autonomisation économique et entrepreneuriale desSon royaume et enfants.

CONVENU etACCEPTÉ ce _______ jour de _____________,2024

Réseau de partenaires Covenant, LLC

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________

Nom imprimé :    Bennie Wiley

Titre :                         Partenaire de gestion

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

Membre partenaire :

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________

Nom imprimé : ____________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

Cette alliance est ointe, habilitée et scellée par le sang de Jésus.

Maintenant et pour toujours.


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