Resources For All
At The Kingdom Procurement and Purchasing Power Center - Atlanta, we are dedicated to fulfilling our mission
of empowering others economically and alleviating poverty. Kindly check out the links of several of our initial
Authorized Vendor Partner sites as they arelisted below. We will add these web sites on a real-time basis.
1. Legalshield: https://empowerusallllc.wearelegalshield.com
2. Travel: http://resourcesforall-travel.club
3. Empower Us All: http://empowerusall.net
4. Refer Us All: http://referusall.world
5. 100 Millionaires LLC: 100millionaires.biz
6 A.E.W.: aew.international
8.. www.devoted.com
10. www.cigna.com
11. A T & T Direct TV
12. Frontier
13. Brinks
14. Spectrum
15. Viasat
16. Optimum
17. Amazon
As we expand our rapidly growing Authorized Vendor Partner base, we will add their web sites to this page.
Also, in the interim, please see us for ALL of your needs.
If we cannot save you money, make you money, or offer a better deal, we will let you know, UP FRONT!
Please check back, daily.